Ron Nawrocki (The Ronald) was born in a Polish ghetto to (legal) immigrant parents, and grew up with traditional values to get a good education, so you get a good job. Determined to leave the ghetto for a far better life, Ron took advantage of a kairos moment which led to an Ivy League education, finance & investing skills, a profitable career path and executive positions in international corporations. He has a degree in Industrial Engineering and MBA in Finance from Cornell University.
A millionaire by 35, another kairos moment led to developing a business based on what he learned 40 years earlier in what seemed then like a simple financial transaction. Now financially independent, known to many as “The Ronald”, sharing his story, skills, experience, attitude of gratitude, and energy with others in order to help 1 million people become millionaires in his lifetime.
Ron has over 25 years in management, consulting, and executive positions with several multi-national corporations. Including CFO and Group CFO for Pepsi, Hortex Holding and McLane Intl. in the US and Europe.
For the last 13 years his work has focused on his business ventures, including Founder & Fund Manager of B.I.Solutions Corp., Host of the Wealth DNA radio show, being a Housing Provider (aka Residential Real Estate Fund) which finances properties for those who want to Own but can’t get a bank Loan, and helping people Learn How to Earn a Higher Return.
Ron has written many Articles on investing, wealth building, developed the TACT Program (Toxic Asset Conversion & Transfer), as well as economic & political solutions. He is frequently interviewed by various journalists and radio show hosts.
Future Books include Investing Commandments, Wealth DNA, and Financing for Real Estate.
If you wish to contact Ron for an interview or speaking engagement, please use the Contact Form and we will respond within 24-48 hours.